Diameters 900 mm - 2400 mm
Manned Pipe Jacking with controllable open Head for Pipes with Diameter from 900 mm to 2400 mm
Powerful hydraulic jacks are used to push specially designed pipes through the ground behind the head while the rubble is excavated directly behind the head - manually or by an excavator. Therefore neither ground conditions nor obstacles pose any problems to us: They are eliminated by detonation, welding, sawing or cutting.
Innovative technology and qualified personnel guarantee a high degree of accuracy.
To minimize friction, the pipe is lubricated with a bentonite suspension. Depending on soil conditions, jacking lengths up to 150 m are possible by using expanding stations.
The horizontal as well as vertical movements are laser controlled.
Occurring groundwater or water from layers will be lowered, depending on the water level, through a drawdown by filter tubes and vacuum system. At lower water levels, the water is pumped directly from the control head by a drainage and submersible pump. All commercially available tubes, made of reinforced concrete, GRP, steel or polymer concrete can be used.